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Siyeon stared at the place as she, Chaewon, and their two friends who were also sisters, Minjae and Jaehwa, arrived in Seogwipo and were staying at their friends' aunt's home.

"This place is really nice."

"Oh yeah. Aunt Narae uses it as a vacation home and allowed us the space this weekend." Minjae said with a smile.

"Yes" Jaehwa agreed. "And the best part is that we each get to have our own rooms"

Siyeon cast them an incredulous look.

"Wow, really? Usually we just share like always"

"Not this time. One for each of us." Chaewon confirmed with a grin. "We're going all out this time to fully relax."

"Only down side is that we gotta go shopping for supplies and groceries as she didn't have time to prepare us." Minjae stated.

Siyeon groaned and whined a bit.

"I went to sleep late. Woke up early. Flew on a plane, settle, and go out shopping? Boo."

"You'll live." Chaewon commented with a laugh.

"Alright, Siyeon, how about this."

Minjae suddenly prompted as Siyeon cast her friend a puzzled look.

"We'll go out shopping and get all the stuff while you make sure the place looks good and clear out anything before going back to sleep."

"I guess. Okay, alright, I'll do that. Thanks."

"Anyways, let's settled in the rooms first before doing anything else." Jaehwa suggested as all four entered the spacious villa.

Siyeon was fast asleep after clearing the villa while the others left for the store. While in her sleepy state Siyeon felt her body being pulled backward as she softly collided with something a second later. She caught a whiff of a very familiar scent, but dismissed it. Siyeon tried to scoot away, but whatever was keeping her in place held her firmly letting out a small chuckle. Huffing, Siyeon opened her eyes and re-positioned herself to face Hyungwon who lied beside her with a his body propped by one arm and the other on her with a mischievous smile.

"Aww, did I disturb my little kitten?" Hyungwon cooed while playfully patting Siyeon.

Siyeon eyed him with a frown.

"Yes. I thought I told you that it was a girls' trip this weekend."

"You did."

Hyungwon nodded as he continued to pat the female nonchalantly with his free hand.

"So what are you doing here, anyways, Hyungwon?"

"To spend more time with you and the others, but mainly with you."

"Hmm, right. Wait. The others? As in Changkyun and Jooheon came along, too?"

Siyeon's brows furrowed until realization hit her and she groaned into her bed.

"She's such a brat. They're so mean. It's like a couple vacation now."

Hyungwon chuckled before re-positioning himself to comfortably lay in bed and pulling Siyeon against his chest. She allowed him to pull her closer as she reluctantly nuzzled against him.

"You knew, didn't you? That's why you asked that day."


He hummed as silence fell between them. He spoke a moment later when Siyeon didn't speak.

"Does that bother you?"

"Not really," She answered while looking up at him with a small smirk, "But now I have to deal with you even on vacation."

Hyungwon chuckled before placing a small kiss on her forehead. Siyeon's lips quirked upward upon thinking of something as she eventually wrapped her arms around him.

"Sing me a lullaby."

Hyungwon smiled before softly singing a random song. The pair soon fell asleep shortly after.

"What are we doing?" Hyunwoo asked Chaewon as the couple shopped around the market.

She cast her boyfriend a look.

"Buying food, Hyunwoo."


"You weren't listening earlier were you?"

"Uh, I was. No. Sorry.

Chaewon shook her head with a chuckle as she scanned the items.

"Anyways, what should we make to eat tonight?"

The pair along with the others were buying things. Chaewon and Hyunwoo were in charge of buying actual food. Minjae and Changkyun were in charge of purchasing the drinks and games while Jaehwa and Jooheon were in charge of getting the snacks and house necessities. Meanwhile Hyungwon and Siyeon would be picking up the cake for Hyunwoo.

"We can grill tonight and have a barbecue." Hyunwoo suggested.

"We could do that."

"Or we can have hotpot."

"We could do that, too."

"Unless, no one really wants to cook and we can order take out."

"That's a high possibility for tonight as we all just flew in."

"Is there anything you're craving?" Hyunwoo asked not sure himself on what they should eat tonight.

"Um, not really craving anything. Everything sounds pretty good at the moment."

Chaewon placed a few already packed trays of pork belly into the cart.

"Are we only going to eat pork belly this whole weekend?" Hyunwoo questioned his girlfriend.

"Because I would like to eat beef, too, Won."

Chaewon rolled her eyes while placing other packed meat into the cart.

"I was getting there. Calm down. I didn't forget about y'all."

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2043 streak #2
Chapter 1: Aww!! Somehow I was wishing for more at the end of the one-shot. Anyway, had fun reading the story and especially loved the interaction between Hyunwoo and Chaewon.